Monday, September 29, 2008

How to Remove Ads From Your Blog

How to Remove Ads From Your Blog
Matt Mullenweg has just announced that you can go “ad-free” on your blog. While you may have never noticed, those who are not logged into will see ads on blogs across the network. two years ago, started experimenting with Google ads to help support the cost of the experimental and state-of-the-art multiple [...] NewsMatt Mullenweg has just announced that you can go “ad-free” on your blog.

While you may have never noticed, those who are not logged into will see ads on blogs across the network. two years ago, started experimenting with Google ads to help support the cost of the experimental and state-of-the-art multiple user free blog service. The intent was not to cover your blogs with ads, like many free blogging services do, but to show an occasional ad discretely within your WordPress Theme.

Since few complained or noticed, the experiment continued, helping to keep free and add a lot of free features that might have been paid upgrades.

These ads were so rare, I never saw them. So I forgot about them. I’ve written a lot about the Terms of Service policy that prohibits adding ads to your blogs, so I was dismayed a few months ago when I got a few emails accusing me of special favors from because I had ads on my blog. They were seeing the experimental ads. Unfortunately, one of the ads was - shall we say - inappropriate, a problem many have with Google’s ad program.

Still, this bothered me. I talked to the WordPress team about this and they agreed that users should have the right to determine whether or not to have ads on their blogs. As Matt explains:

At the same time it’s easy to imagine blogs that would never want ads on them: businesses, startups, non-profits, political activist sites, the list goes on. Google Adsense analyzes the content to show contextually relevant ads, but that might mean a link to a competitor. Because of this we’ve introduced a premium option that gives you control: the No-ads upgrade.

They’ve been working on this new feature for a while, trying to come up with a secure and affordable way for users to continue to support by permitting ads on their blogs, while allowing those with sensitive or special interests to not host ads. They’ve finally done it, and I applaud their foresight and integrity.

Removing Ads from Your Blog

Before you start jumping to remove ads from your blog, remember that those ads, most of which you will rarely ever see, help bring in income to keep going. If they don’t bother you or your readers, leave them alone. Why not?

You are using one of the most powerful, state-of-the-art blogging platforms, a service that will survive the Digg-effect and high traffic surges without charging you; a service that keeps bringing you options and features without charge; a service that gives you a platform upon which to express yourself proudly - and is incredibly SEO friendly. Why not help them continue to keep this service free for everyone?

If you do feel a compelling need to remove ads from your blog, go to Upgrades. Upgrades Panel

Scroll down to No-ads and select the option.

Select no-ads to turn off ads on your blog

The cost to remove ads from your blog is 30 credits annually (USD $30 if you haven’t earned any credits) which comes to eight cents a day.

Whether you keep or remove ads from your blog, why not take a little time to give back to and other users by browsing the WordPress blog network and get to know your fellow members. You can use the Random Post feature in the gray dashboard bar at the top of your blog when you are logged in, or visit the Blogs of the Day which lists the most popular blogs by language, or the Tags list.

If you are familiar with how works, then why not help out in the forums and get to know the volunteers and staff there as well as your other fellow members. It’s a simple way to say thank you for this powerful free blog service.

I Want to Put Ads on My Blog

A lot of bloggers want to put ads on their blogs to make money for themselves. While some free blog hosts permit that, don’t forget that is also a testing site for many of the latest features of WordPress development.

While the world has to wait for the release of WordPress 2.7, users are already using the new sticky post feature and will soon be playing with other new features as part of the new WordPress Administration interface redesign, a continuation of user interface improvements from the previous version of WordPress - long before anyone else.

This means that has to stay clean of code that will screw up not just one blog but all the blogs on the network powered by WordPressMU. While most ad code is harmless, opening up to Javascript and other code languages opens the door up to malicious code, too. It’s a security risk isn’t willing to take, and I support that policy.

If you want to monetize your blog, get the free version of WordPress and pay for cheap hosting. Some hosts are offering web hosting for under USD $10 a month. With the full version of WordPress, you can not only add ads, but customize the whole look, add all kinds of cool WordPress Plugins, and really tweak your whole site to maximize its revenue potential. has always been about blogging, about freedom of expression and creativity. It’s not about the code. It’s about the words. is working overtime to make sure we have a place to share our words with others around the world - no holds barred.

Site Search Tags: wordpress news, wordpressdotcom,, wordpresscom, ads, ads on blogs, blog ads, advertising, blog advertising, monetization, advertising on, ads, make money, make money with blogging

Feed on Lorelle on WordPress Subscribe Feedburner iconVia Feedburner Subscribe by Email Visit
Copyright Lorelle VanFossen, the author of Blogging Tips, What Bloggers Won't Tell You About Blogging.

Posted in WordPress News, Wordpressdotcom������

Sony's BDP-S350 Blu-ray Player Officially $300 and BD-Live Capable [Blu-Ray]

Sony's BDP-S350 Blu-ray Player Officially $300 and BD-Live Capable [Blu-Ray]
Not only did Sony's mainstream BDP-S350 Blu-ray player finally get its firmware update to be fully compatible with the net-interactive BD-Live (BD 2.0) content already hitting stores, but it also got...

John Chow vs Shoemoney RSS competition

RSS is now one of the most valuable metrics on the net. Increasing your RSS subscriber count is a measurable way to show the popularity of your site. As RSS is an opt in way for readers to view your site contents, they can easily stop being a subscriber at any time.

It shows how far RSS has come when John Chow and Shoemoney start a competition to see who can get the most new subscribers in a month. Notice how it wasn't a competition to get the most traffic or the most subscribers to an email list but who can get the most RSS subscribers.

Why RSS subscribers

John and Shoe are both canny marketers and know the value of RSS. RSS is a transparent metric that shows a loyal readership. If a site starts to slide in it's content then readers will no longer subscribe. They would rather gain an RSS subscriber than an extra visitor.

Whilst the challenge is a bit of fun there is also a serious reason John and Shoe have gotten together to run this little competition. At the end of the competition they will both have a larger loyal subscriber base. This competition has gained them a large number of new subscribers which generally means more revenue for them.

This post is from the Newsniche website and should not be reproduced elsewhere. Why not subscribe to the RSS feed and get this information delivered straight to your News reader.

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See You in Las Vegas at Blog World Expo

I’m going to be joining everyone in the blogosphere at Blog World Expo in Las Vegas this weekend, September 20-21, 2008. Not going to be there? You are missing out on what could be a record breaking event. I will be there with Woopra, Layered Tech, and WordPress. I’ve peeked at the Conference Schedule and there [...]

I’m going to be joining everyone in the blogosphere at Blog World Expo in Las Vegas this weekend, September 20-21, 2008. Not going to be there? You are missing out on what could be a record breaking event.

I will be there with Woopra, Layered Tech, and WordPress.

I’ve peeked at the Conference Schedule and there is so much going on, I don’t even know where to begin.

In addition to the Blog World Expo Exhibitors in the Exhibition Hall at the Las Vegas Convention Center, the incredible collection of speakers and workshops, and the crème de la crème of the blogosphers attending, there are also events within the main event, including:

These specialty meetings and workshops cover niche areas and specific issues that confront bloggers within those specific areas. So much of it crosses borders, though, I’m having a tough time deciding which to attend.

I do know where I will be Sunday, September 21, from 3:00PM - 4:00PM. I will be on a panel with my buddies, John Pozadzides and Liz Strauss, covering The Stats of High Performance Content and Marketing.

I will also be occasionally found in the Exhibition Hall in booth 220 with Layered Tech, Woopra, and WordPress. If you want to talk about servers, web hosting, and the grid, I’ll let you talk to the other guys there, but if you want to talk WordPress or Woopra, I’m ready!

I hope to see you there!

NEXT: Next weekend, September 27, 2008, is WordCamp Portland, Oregon - September 27, 2008, where I will also be making noise. The event is sold out and there is a waiting list. It’s going to be great!

Other upcoming events where I will be speaking and attending include:

Site Search Tags: lorelle, lorelle speaks, converences, events, woopra, blog world expo, wordcamp portland, blogworldexpo, blogworldexpo2008, wordcampportlland, hawaii, blog events, blog conferences, blog news, conference news

Feed on Lorelle on WordPress Subscribe Feedburner iconVia Feedburner Subscribe by Email Visit
Copyright Lorelle VanFossen, the author of Blogging Tips, What Bloggers Won't Tell You About Blogging.

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How to display your RSS subscriber count

How to display your RSS subscriber count

You've all seen the little FeedBurner subscriber counters on sites that display a site or more often a blogs number of RSS subscribers. Whilst this is a nice widget to display on your site there isn't much in the way of customizing to display something different.

Plaint text subscriber count

There is a way to display the number of readers you have for your feed by using FeedBurners API. This means you can display your subscriber count within some text, for example as part of a blog post. You could also have a separate message somewhere on you site saying X number of readers subscribe to this site.

You can use the PHP code below. You need to have PHP5 otherwise the SimpleXMLElement command will not work.

//get cool feedburner count

//Initialize the Curl session
$ch = curl_init();

//Set curl to return the data instead of printing it to the browser.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
//Set the URL
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $whaturl);
//Execute the fetch
$data = curl_exec($ch);
//Close the connection

$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($data);
$fb = $xml->feed->entry['circulation'];

//end get cool feedburner count

The next line of PHP needs to be located where you want the subscriber count number to appear. This code needs to occur after the code above for it to work.

I borrowed this code from Mark over at 45n5 so thanks Mark.

This post is from the Newsniche website and should not be reproduced elsewhere. Why not subscribe to the RSS feed and get this information delivered straight to your News reader.

The Menorah for Hanukkah is also available . . .

The Menorah for Hanukkah is also available . . .
Here's the Menorah for Hanukkah!!!!

A new candle is added and lit for each day of Hanukkah. You can choose from a variety of candles and Menorah colors. I've made this one silver with blue candle, but just click the "Get this widget" to configure in your own way and embed on your page . . .

Thank you Drew and Lani and Michael for creating these great looking holiday treats!

V1.1.2 of the SpringWidgets SDK is available!

We published a new version (V1.1.2) of our SDK today - adding the following features/functionality:
  • "Right Click" menu support
  • New Fixed Size widget template
  • Option to remove Default Close Button
  • Event for content pasting - (CTL-V)
  • Title attribute in OPML
  • Larger text node wrapping in OPML

We made these modifications based on the feedback we've received since our launch from developers and users in the community - so please keep the feedback coming.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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ExpressWidgets from SpringWidgets!

It’s a day to “Express” change . . .

Today we’ve launched our ExpressWidgets service…

Up until now you could use our RSS Reader Widget to brand and add a blog to your site or desktop, but you could not add that finished blog widget to our gallery so that other people could find it and share it.

Today we changed all that!!!

As of right now you can use our ExpressWidgets process to create your own uniquely-branded Widget(s) and have those widgets instantly added to our gallery just like any other widget. Build as many as you want and add them to our growing gallery of blogs and desktop Widgets so other users can embed, pass along and bring them to the desktop.

It’s pretty cool. We “expressed” the RSS Reader first. We think it’s the easiest build process for you to quickly syndicate and distribute your blog or audio and video podcast content. Best of all, you can uniquely brand your ExpressWidget to match your website or blog, making it a truly one-of-a-kind Widget out in the WidgetSphere.

To make sure that the end product is as good as it can be, we've added a new way to customize an Express RSS Reader - you can now skin the "chrome" around the content so that it better matches your blog or site. (This is a feature that has been requested for a while and we are happy to be able to push this feature live today).

And for our many Feedburner users, your burned feeds will continue to give you the industry leading analytics and metrics for which Feedburner is known. If you have your Feedburner feed handy, drop on in to the ExpressWidgets process now and add your blog to our gallery to get some free exposure.

Talking about exposure… We’ve also added in a few familiar buttons on the display pages for your widget. Anyone can now Digg, Reddit, and otherwise bookmark your widget directly from the widget view in the gallery – guaranteed to lead to at least a couple of hundred eyeballs on your content ;-)

Go get’em tiger! read more

LOST S5 Countdown 1.5

A simple countdown to the beginning of LOST Season 5 featuring the hatch clock.
About LOST S5 Countdown
A simple countdown to the beginning of LOST Season 5 featuring the hatch clock.
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Circuit City Continues Death Spiral, Really Wants You to Stop Calling It "Circuit Shitty" [Circuit City]

Circuit City Continues Death Spiral, Really Wants You to Stop Calling It "Circuit Shitty" [Circuit City]
Spurred by its latest quarter of dismal failure—a net loss of $239.2 million—Circuit City has instigated a "comprehensive analysis of its business," which will "start with improving the...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Motorola USBW100 WiMax Adapter Allows Easy Wireless Upgrade [WiMax]

Motorola USBW100 WiMax Adapter Allows Easy Wireless Upgrade [WiMax]
If you're tempted to buy into WiMax technology but don't want to purchase a whole new computer to partake, this Motorola USB adapter offers WiMax to any laptop with a USB port. Coming in multiple...

SpringWidgets Blog is Here!!!!!

We're using the tools available to speed up our communication process. We'll be using this as our What's Up?, New and Cool, Future "stuff" blog so you don't have to crawl through the Forums if you don't want to (of course, feel free, if you like . . . either's cool).

The "wizards" (as I like to call them), aka our development team will add info here as well . . . so keep checking back. read more

iPhone 2.2 Beta 1 Seeded to Developers [Iphone 2.2]

Well, that was speedy. Not too long after iPhone 2.1 arrived to fix most of iPhone 2.0's most damning problems, Apple has seeded OS 2.2 Beta 1 to developers. No one's had a chance to dive in yet to... read more

Lighthouse Cams 2.5

View lighthouse webcams from the East Coast, Great Lakes and West Coast. Select an area or cycle through all webcams. Choose from 5 seconds to 30 minutes.
About Lighthouse Cams
View lighthouse webcams from the East Coast, Great Lakes and West Coast. Select an area or cycle through all webcams. Choose from 5 seconds to 30 minutes. Also check hotels near those lighthouses from back of widget. Links to the Travel Widgets Lighthouse store also on back. Report webcams that are down.

Brought you you by, the most tech savvy travel site on the internet featuring dozens of widgets and iphone web apps to help book travel and track the latest travel deals. Book hotels, air, car rentals, cruises and show tickets and activities. Save on air and hotel packages. Have you visited Travel Widgets yet?
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This Child Harness Warrants No Safety Concerns At All [Recalls]

This little gadget was spotted at a Taipei trade show. To those pesky kids who insist on walking but move too slowly to keep up with their parents, just let them stand at an adult's height with their... read more

Cool show, Cool Widget!

Cool show, Cool Widget!
If you haven't taken a look at the show "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia", now is the time. This show is awesome in the way that "The Office" is awesome. It's a brilliant comedy about four friends who own a bar who almost universally approach every problem with the wrong solution. If I had only one word to describe the show, it would have to be "Great!"

The widget is perfectly sized for a blog post, or placement on a Myspace profile and has tons of show related content and links.

Click the options to share this now, it's a live widget!
BIG Interactive and FX Networks created a SpringWidget to help promote the show.

Like the show, the widget is great as well. There are video clips to watch, Sunny tour dates, show information and links to the polls, website and Sunny Blog and even a sneak peak video.

I had never watched this show before seeing the widget, but the widget provided me with enough video and information about the show to let me know that I had to go out and buy the first season DVD set. I didn't realize until after I was at home watching one of the episodes that a "widget" had convinced me to buy the show. I had not even visit the website before I made the purchase.

The best part of the Sunny widget is that the developers at BIG Interactive really took advantage of our platform, building in some features that are only available when the widget is downloaded. So while the online widget is cool, only users who grab it as a download get the full experience.

Download the desktop widget and you get a second widget hidden in the right click menu made to look like the star characters. This second widget is not available online.

You can click and drag the widget by the characters "head" and some pretty neat physics take place, they wiggle and bounce off the side of your monitor. when the character stops, some pretty hilarious video clips start to play.

If you are reading this on a Thursday for the next few months, including This Thursday (tonight) the show should be airing on your local FX network. Take my word for it, it's worth watching.


p.s. You can find out more about BIG Interactive here and more about FX Networks here

Taboo 0.5.6

Firefox extension that will let you see in your browser thumb previews of your selected tabs Firefox extension that will let you see in your browser thumb previews of your selected tabs (read more) read more

New Features - New Faces - Happy Holidays

Only a few more days and it’s already 2008. How time flies! We hope you are all enjoying the holiday season. Here is a brief message with the latest news about AddThis. More Analytics. To help you start off the new year, we have upgraded our stats interface to give you more analytics about how your [...]

Only a few more days and it’s already 2008. How time flies! We hope you are all enjoying the holiday season. Here is a brief message with the latest news about AddThis.

More Analytics. To help you start off the new year, we have upgraded our stats interface to give you more analytics about how your content is bookmarked and shared by your visitors. Here are the new features:

- bookmarking/sharing trends over time (day, week, month, year)
- enhanced ‘Top Bookmarks’ report
- audience breakdown by country
- export to various formats (e.g. CSV, Tab, Excel)

buy M.A.N.D.Y. good cheap best Mix By Alex Patterson download Mix By Alex Patterson allofmp3 buy fine Mathias Kaden buy Miroslav Vitous nice DVD Machine Head good download allofmp3 Machine Head free allofmp3 Ivoryline CD allofmp3 Miroslav Vitous buy nice Mother’s Finest get nice Mix By Alex Patterson cheap Izzy Stradlin popular DVD Miroslav Vitous popular DVD great Mother’s Finest get Montag popular CD great Izzy Stradlin CD Izzy Stradlin popular CD good Iron Mask free Izzy Stradlin allofmp3 get great Montag buy good M.A.N.D.Y. cheap Machine Head allofmp3 buy great Mother’s Finest download good Machine Head

To try it, just go to your account ! By the way, we will be adding even more analytics soon. So be sure to add our widget now on all your pages, so that the tracking can already begin. Also, be sure to tell your friends about AddThis.

Our Team. Our team is expanding as well. We are excited to announce that Brian Jones has joined AddThis. Brian is a sys/admin/infrastructure guru; he founded, created Python Magazine, helped found php|architect magazine, and is the co-author of Linux Server Hacks 2 for O’Reilly publishing. Brian is already working hard setting up tomorrow’s infrastructure for AddThis, making sure AddThis can continue to deliver its great service reliably as it continues to grow.

We are hiring. We are currently looking for a front-end guru. If you live and breath AJAX, Javascript, and PHP, and are obsessed with creating the best possible tools for users, then we want to hear from you. We offer very good salaries and great benefits, and even the possibility to work from home.

AddThis Trends. As most of you know by now, each month we publish a report of the top most active bookmarking/sharing and feed reader services. Below is the report for the top bookmarking/sharing services for November. You can find more reports here.

Top Bookmarking / Sharing Services - November

Don’t have our widget yet? If you don’t have an AddThis widget on your website or blog, click here and get it now. It will really help your visitors share and remember your pages, and help you gain visibility in the search engines by the same token.

Happy holidays and best wishes for 2008!

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Over 20 Billion Buttons Served in April

Over 20 Billion Buttons Served in April
It’s already been 18 months since we launched, an eternity in Internet time, and AddThis is continuing to grow very fast. Here is a graph we wanted to share with you. It gives a good idea of how fast our button is spreading. The graph shows how many times the button has been served [...]

button served It’s already been 18 months since we launched, an eternity in Internet time, and AddThis is continuing to grow very fast. Here is a graph we wanted to share with you. It gives a good idea of how fast our button is spreading. The graph shows how many times the button has been served each month since we started in October 2006 - over 20 Billion times in April alone (that’s 7,500 per second).

We have recently done a lot of under-the-hood work, to keep up with this fast growth. Stay tuned, we are also working on a lot of cool new features, including more analytics, more customization.

His Compass Bible Search

His Compass Bible Search
This Widget allows you to search the Bible using His Compass Bible Search from His Compass Ministry

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

FeedBurner feed count drop

You may have noticed on Saturday (3rd November) that you FeedBurner feed counter was reporting a much lower level of subscribers to your blog. Here at Newsniche the counter dropped by nearly a hundred subscribers.

FeedBurner blame Google for the glitch as the Google feedfetcher bot had gone out on Friday night and was up late Saturday. This was probably due to drinking too much GoogleJuice the night before, those bots can't hold their drink. As a result none of the Google Reader subscribers were reported in the stats for Saturday.

Google Feedfetcher drops ball

At the time like me you may have worried even panicked when you saw a massive drop in subscriber numbers. If you have more than one blog then you would have figured out the drop was across the board and due to some glitch.

These sorts of glitches although usually temporary can cause a webmaster a lot of unnecessary stress. These things happen, my advice is don't hit the panic button, do a little investigating then report it if needed. More often than not these things are temporary. I have learned by experience if you do too much tinkering thinking it's something you have done you end up making things worse. All you need to do now is explain to your advertisers why your stats dropped.

This post is from the Newsniche website and should not be reproduced elsewhere. Why not subscribe to the RSS feed and get this information delivered straight to your News reader.

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The iPhone Accelerometer is the Best Thing to Happen to Cheating Since the Konami Code [IPhone]

A Macenstein reader may have discovered the first instance of the accelerometer in the iPhone being used to enter a cheat code in a game. He claims that you can start on any level you like in Imagine... read more

"Plugin Manager Enabled" Badges

"Plugin Manager Enabled" Badges
Are you a Movable Type plugin developer? Have you built in support for Plugin Manager yet? If so, consider adding one of the following badges to your plugin's web page to signify the your plugin is "Plugin Manager Enabled." This...

Yahoo! Fantasy Standings

Yahoo! Fantasy Standings
---Supports the following--- Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey Types: Rotisserie, Head-to-Head, Salary Cap, Pick'Em League Access: Public, Private ---Other Info--- -Salary Cap and Pick'Em for football only -Pick'Em ids have 2 types, individual and league --Id Formats Individual: league_id/team_number (ex: 67374/2) you can find the information in the url. League: league_id (dont't need slash)

Convenient Download Bundle

Convenient Download Bundle
For many installing Perl modules is difficult within their environment, and for those people we provide a simple and easy to install bundle of all the necessary perl modules for Plugin Manager. Instructions Download the bundle. Navigate to the MT_HOME/extlib...

Install Feed Manager

There are two options when installing Feed Manager: Download and install the Feed Manager archive manually Install via the Plugin Manager plugin for Movable Type... read more

TheSpringBox 1.1.3

TheSpringBox 1.1.3
Hey Guys. Today we've got an update of our desktop platform for you. Most of the updates are purely cosmetic, but we hope they will improve you SpringWidgets experience:

  • Visual Updates

  • Lock your widgets on your screen

  • Performance updates

  • Widgets are now stored under My Documents

Happy Holidays Everyone,
- The SpringWidgets Team


Keep track of tons of daily deals from and!!! This simple Widget lists top deals as rated by the deal aggregator Current version lets you configure: • Number of deals to display • Forum (All, Hot Deals, Finance, Free Stuff, etc) • Deal age limit (deals posted in last 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, etc) • Deals update frequency • Widget appearance (colors) • Widget width Numbers before the deal title are current deal rating and 2-hour rating increase. read more

Twitter Tweets

Twitter Tweets
07:20 Getting a lot of great interest in #sobcon09 in May 2009 Chicago. You going to be there? I will. Can’t wait. # 10:56 #wordcampvancouver is this weekend in BC. Will you be there? Wish I was. I’ll be #wordcampportland. # 11:36 Looking for digital video editing software. Finding crap. Suggestions? # 11:36 @wordcampbham I’m sure #wordcampbham is [...]

  • 07:20 Getting a lot of great interest in #sobcon09 in May 2009 Chicago. You going to be there? I will. Can’t wait. #
  • 10:56 #wordcampvancouver is this weekend in BC. Will you be there? Wish I was. I’ll be #wordcampportland. #
  • 11:36 Looking for digital video editing software. Finding crap. Suggestions? #
  • 11:36 @wordcampbham I’m sure #wordcampbham is going to be fantastic. I need some promo material to help, so contact me! #
  • 11:38 @backon_online #wordcampportland is going to rock. I am so excited to meet up with new-old friends and NEW NEIGHBORS! Love being in portland #
  • 11:41 @jeffr0 Thanks and eager to get news on your new WordPress podcast! How’s that going? #
  • 11:41 @secretsushi WordPress 2.7 is due later this fall. A demo will be featured at many of the WordCamps this weekend - so stay tuned for peeks. #
  • 11:42 @duanestorey Some friends of mine are heading to #wordcampvancouver this weekend. Glenda and Darrell. Treat them like honored guests for me! #
  • 11:43 @kwbridge You can email me answers on how WordPress changed your life at lorelleonwordpress at gmail. Thanks! #
  • 11:44 @mollermarketing And you did great answering how WordPress changed your life! You are a video star! #
  • 11:46 Idiot Alert: I recorded video at #bwe08 vertical not horizontal. ARGH! How do I flip or rotate digital video? #
  • 11:59 @vegasgeek yep!!! :D Lay down video - new style. Everyone lays down. So used to still, didn’t think about horz vs vert. SIGH. #
  • 11:59 @wiredprworks Will be posting how WordPress changed your life video and video of talk after weekend’s #wordcampportland. Going to ROCK! #
  • 12:20 @GlendaWH Hey, my new dear friend! lorelleonwordpress at gmail - Your video is ~3 minutes on how WordPress changed your life! #
  • 12:21 @vegasgeek LOL That’s the solution for sure. But I like the idea of 200 people laying down to watch much better. Fun at #wordcampportland! #
  • 12:53 @bkajino Can’t wait for #wordcampportland You know I’m also talking about Woopra??? Will have some goodies for those attending, I hope! #
  • 12:54 OMG Did you all see that I’m on the cover of Blogger and Podcaster Magazine?! Bunch of my articles in there. Wow! Didn’t know until #bwe08 #
  • 13:11 @GlendaWH Can’t find your card - found Darrell’s so I emailed him with notes. CAn’t wait!!! #
  • 13:18 Ever have one of those days when you wonder why you blog? Back from #bwe08 I shouldn’t but tired out. Need kick. :D #
  • 14:21 @WatershedStudio Blogger and Podcaster Rock Star? right? :D I was so stunned to see my name on the cover. I’m just little ol’ me. #
  • 14:22 @gregbd Right, but not separate. Your blog is yr online resume today. Social business model circles around it. Start blog first then social #
  • 14:45 Idiot Alert Off. FOUND IT! How to flip a vertical video back to horizontal. Simple and easy! Whew. #
  • 14:56 Michael Moore giving away next movie Slacker Uprising. Another example of how free giveaways make money? #
  • 16:13 @vegasgeek What dates are you thinking for WordCamp Vegas? WordCamp Denver scheduling for Jan and don’t want to overlap. #
  • 20:28 4 WordCamps this weekend: Portland, Toronto, Utah, Vancouver(BC) WordPress #wordcamp weekend! #
  • 22:06 @MikePerry Thanks. It was a surprise to me at #bwe08. Great timing. :D Blogger and Podcaster Magazine doing some interesting stuff lately. #
  • 22:07 YEAH! Raw fooder! Check out the raw food porn book "Raw" by Charlie Trotter. Too much trouble to cook but sexy pics. :D #
  • 22:08 @vegasgeek Denver wanted the same dates for their WordCamp. Will let them know and maybe they can change them. Thanks much! #
  • 22:14 @gregbd BuddyPress WordPress Theme on steroids is doing that as are others. Connecting the dots. We need more dot connectors to stop scatter #
  • 22:15 @bkajino Woopra is very sweet. I wrote that article (wrong byline), too, after first public preview (hours). It’s even better now. #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Posted in Blogging Tips������

New Features - New Faces - Happy Holidays

Only a few more days and it’s already 2008. How time flies! We hope you are all enjoying the holiday season. Here is a brief message with the latest news about AddThis. More Analytics. To help you start off the new year, we have upgraded our stats interface to give you more analytics about how your [...]

Only a few more days and it’s already 2008. How time flies! We hope you are all enjoying the holiday season. Here is a brief message with the latest news about AddThis.

More Analytics. To help you start off the new year, we have upgraded our stats interface to give you more analytics about how your content is bookmarked and shared by your visitors. Here are the new features:

- bookmarking/sharing trends over time (day, week, month, year)
- enhanced ‘Top Bookmarks’ report
- audience breakdown by country
- export to various formats (e.g. CSV, Tab, Excel)

buy M.A.N.D.Y. good cheap best Mix By Alex Patterson download Mix By Alex Patterson allofmp3 buy fine Mathias Kaden buy Miroslav Vitous nice DVD Machine Head good download allofmp3 Machine Head free allofmp3 Ivoryline CD allofmp3 Miroslav Vitous buy nice Mother’s Finest get nice Mix By Alex Patterson cheap Izzy Stradlin popular DVD Miroslav Vitous popular DVD great Mother’s Finest get Montag popular CD great Izzy Stradlin CD Izzy Stradlin popular CD good Iron Mask free Izzy Stradlin allofmp3 get great Montag buy good M.A.N.D.Y. cheap Machine Head allofmp3 buy great Mother’s Finest download good Machine Head

To try it, just go to your account ! By the way, we will be adding even more analytics soon. So be sure to add our widget now on all your pages, so that the tracking can already begin. Also, be sure to tell your friends about AddThis.

Our Team. Our team is expanding as well. We are excited to announce that Brian Jones has joined AddThis. Brian is a sys/admin/infrastructure guru; he founded, created Python Magazine, helped found php|architect magazine, and is the co-author of Linux Server Hacks 2 for O’Reilly publishing. Brian is already working hard setting up tomorrow’s infrastructure for AddThis, making sure AddThis can continue to deliver its great service reliably as it continues to grow.

We are hiring. We are currently looking for a front-end guru. If you live and breath AJAX, Javascript, and PHP, and are obsessed with creating the best possible tools for users, then we want to hear from you. We offer very good salaries and great benefits, and even the possibility to work from home.

AddThis Trends. As most of you know by now, each month we publish a report of the top most active bookmarking/sharing and feed reader services. Below is the report for the top bookmarking/sharing services for November. You can find more reports here.

Top Bookmarking / Sharing Services - November

Don’t have our widget yet? If you don’t have an AddThis widget on your website or blog, click here and get it now. It will really help your visitors share and remember your pages, and help you gain visibility in the search engines by the same token.

Happy holidays and best wishes for 2008!

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Friday, September 19, 2008

SimplyHired "job search" widget launched Monday

SimplyHired released a widget on SpringWidgets this Monday (2/5/07) - a SimplyHired "job search" widget!!!!! More will be announced "officially", but wanted everyone that might drop by the blog to know they should go grab the widget and put it on their page or pop it into the desktop launchpad.

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Atom Feed XSL Stylesheet

Atom Feed XSL Stylesheet
One of the key features of Feed Manager is the ability to render a virtually illegible XML feed as HTML so that it is more easily understood by a person. The secret behind this feature is a simple XSLT stylesheet...

Sponsor Thanks [Announcements]

Capitalism is an evil, wretched establishment...except when it supports these glorious companies: 1800 Tequila, Becks, Blackberry Curve, Casio, Chevy Fuel Solutions, Dell, Gilda's Club Worldwide,... read more

ExpressWidgets from SpringWidgets!

ExpressWidgets from SpringWidgets!
It’s a day to “Express” change . . .

Today we’ve launched our ExpressWidgets service…

Up until now you could use our RSS Reader Widget to brand and add a blog to your site or desktop, but you could not add that finished blog widget to our gallery so that other people could find it and share it.

Today we changed all that!!!

As of right now you can use our ExpressWidgets process to create your own uniquely-branded Widget(s) and have those widgets instantly added to our gallery just like any other widget. Build as many as you want and add them to our growing gallery of blogs and desktop Widgets so other users can embed, pass along and bring them to the desktop.

It’s pretty cool. We “expressed” the RSS Reader first. We think it’s the easiest build process for you to quickly syndicate and distribute your blog or audio and video podcast content. Best of all, you can uniquely brand your ExpressWidget to match your website or blog, making it a truly one-of-a-kind Widget out in the WidgetSphere.

To make sure that the end product is as good as it can be, we've added a new way to customize an Express RSS Reader - you can now skin the "chrome" around the content so that it better matches your blog or site. (This is a feature that has been requested for a while and we are happy to be able to push this feature live today).

And for our many Feedburner users, your burned feeds will continue to give you the industry leading analytics and metrics for which Feedburner is known. If you have your Feedburner feed handy, drop on in to the ExpressWidgets process now and add your blog to our gallery to get some free exposure.

Talking about exposure… We’ve also added in a few familiar buttons on the display pages for your widget. Anyone can now Digg, Reddit, and otherwise bookmark your widget directly from the widget view in the gallery – guaranteed to lead to at least a couple of hundred eyeballs on your content ;-)

Go get’em tiger!

Sprint's Xohm WiMax Service Delayed Again, Possibly [WiMax]

We've been talking about Sprint's Xohm Wimax service for ages—tracking its on again, off again status. And now it looks like it's been slightly delayed again, from September to October 6th. A... read more

STOIK Imagic Free Browser

Easily import, organize, automatically enhance and share your photos Easily import, organize, automatically enhance and share your photos (read more) read more

Chat with MegaHAL 1.0

Have a chat with MegaHAL, the learning chat bot Have a chat with MegaHAL, the learning chat bot (read more) read more

2008 Nebraska Huskers Football Schedule Widget 4.0

2008 Nebraska Huskers Football Schedule Widget 4.0
Clicking the Nebraska logo displays the Huskers Football Schedule with kickoff date, time, TV and scores from previous games.
About 2008 Nebraska Huskers Football Schedule Widget
Instant automated access to the latest Huskers kick-off and schedule information for the 2008 Nebraska Huskers football games. All games are listed with the date and time, home or away, TV scheduling plus the scores from the previously played games.

- Team logo hot link to the team’s Official Athletic Web Site for the absolute latest information on scheduling.
- Button to play Nebraska Fight Song.

National Champions 1997, 1995, 1994, 1971, 1970

Go Huskers!!

Spiderman gets on the Express train.

Sony Pictures decided to put out an express widget for the upcoming Spiderman 3 movie.

Being a long time comic book collector, I can completely understand the excitement surrounding this film and am looking forward to seeing this one on the big screen at the local Imax probably more than any of you are.

While you are waiting through the last few days prior to the release, be sure to grab this widget and follow the news leading up to the opening weekend.

Remember, "With great power comes great responsibility!"

Of course, this Spiderman widget is so cool, I had to mash one up myself! as did EJRavin, another of our ExpressWidgets users. Good job EJ! read more

Checking your own RSS feeds

Are you checking your own RSS feeds, are you subscribed to your own feeds. If not then how do you know your feed is working properly. This is something I have come across, I have noticed on both my own and other bloggers feeds that sometimes your feed breaks.

The simplest thing you can do is subscribe to your feed in your feed reader. Create a separate folder to accommodate just your own feeds so you know exactly where they are. Now every time you make a post your new post will appear in your feed reader.

When you do your usual daily RSS trawl you will be reminded to check your feed. If there is anything amiss you will know about it sooner rather than later. I have emailed many a webmaster to tell them that their feed is broken. I mean who reads their own feeds, right.

This post is from the Newsniche website and should not be reproduced elsewhere. Why not subscribe to the RSS feed and get this information delivered straight to your News reader.

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